Monday, March 09, 2009

Hi guys!

Here are the upcoming gigs we have so far.

1. 14th March (Saturday): Outreach Concert by the Singapore Heart Foundation
Venue: The Greek Theatre, Singapore Flyer .
Attire: White Baracuda, any bottoms.
Reporting Time: TBC

2. 15th March (Sunday): Suburban Run 2009
Venue: Sengkang
Attire: Black Baracuda, any bottoms
Reporting Time: 6.30am

3. 20th March (Friday): NP Sports Camp Campfire Performance
Venue: NP, Main Field
Attire: White Baracuda, any bottoms
Reporting Time: TBC

4: 29th March: Minister Visit for some CC.
Details TBC.

This is just the jist of what we have. I'll update again once all the details have been confirmed!

